Keeping You Connected to the Cloud

Don’t let your Cloud keep you in the shade

Aqua IT for Stress-Free Cloud Services

We’ll keep you connected to your data wherever you are in the world. Safe, Secure & Stress Free!

  1. Keeping it all in the Cloud lets you work on shared projects from different locations. 

  2. It allows individuals to work from home even when feeling a little under the weather.

  3. You can work from any of your devices – anywhere – diary, email, all your work instantly accessible.

  4. Automatically backup data to a secure location so no more rainy days. 

  5. Secure use and quick, stress-free managed data recovery. 

  6. We will supply the correct Microsoft office 365 solution for your business Cloud requirements.

  7. We’ll ensure ease of access on all these different cloud services:  Apple iCloud, Microsoft Azure Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Keeping you on Cloud 9!


If you want to know more give us a call on 0141 530 2007